Vatican announces documents on sex abuse, Latin Mass

VATICAN CITY — After weeks of speculation, the Vatican press office announced the release dates of two documents that had the Catholic blogosphere abuzz: the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s circular letter to bishops’ conferences on preparing guidelines for dealing with the sexual abuse of minors by priests; and an instruction on implementing Pope Benedict XVI’s authorization of wider use of the so-called Tridentine Mass.

Cardinal William J. Levada (CNS/Reuters)

The doctrinal congregation’s document is being released Monday. U.S. Cardinal William J. Levada, prefect of the congregation, had announced in November that his office, which coordinates the church’s response to abuse cases, was preparing the document. Its purpose was to help every bishops’ conference in the world design a “coordinated and effective program” of child protection and of dealing with allegations. The guidelines are expected to address the issue of reporting allegations of sexual abuse to local law enforcement.

The document being released Friday is an instruction from the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, which oversees the use of the Mass according to the Roman rite used in the church prior to the Second Vatican Council. In 2007, Pope Benedict authorized widespread use of the old liturgy. Now, after almost four years of experience, the Vatican instruction aims to respond to questions that have arisen over the implementation of the pope’s permission.

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4 Responses to Vatican announces documents on sex abuse, Latin Mass

  1. GADEL says:


  2. joyce lenardson says:

    Yahoo!! Nothing, Nothing compares to the Traditional Latin Mass! I can sense the presents of Almighty God, Angels & Saints! ..a feel for Holy and reverence! My heart wants to explode with awe and love a this holy Mass!

  3. john says:

    The Mass is the Mass is the Mass, either form equal in grace, different externally. But why do people who prefer the older form put a capital ‘T’ on the word traditional? as if it meant anything. The Eucharist is always ‘traditional’ from Christ no matter what format its performed in, and Christ didnt use the ‘Traditional’ Mass. I think both are equally sublime esp if the new one is said in Latin.

  4. For survivors of sexual & domestic abuse this book is very helpful to realize you can break the cycle of pain and live a healthy life.

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