Thy will be done…even on The Voice!

ROME — Ursuline Sister Cristina Scuccia’s landslide victory on The Voice of Italy last night wasn’t as big a surprise as much as what she did with her winner’s platform.


She thanked everyone on the talent show for their help and support, but left her highest praise for God.

“My final and most important thanks go to the one who is up there,” she said to applause.

thank him

She said her presence on The Voice wasn’t to walk away a winner or a music star, but to show people a different kind of victory:

“My dream is to recite the Our Father together, maybe we can all hold each other’s hands and pray. I want Jesus to come right here inside!”

It left most people perplexed and unsure, but Sister Cristina was in charge, telling the band to strike up a soft melody to set the mood.

Half-joking, the MC said, “She’s taking over!” So he let her lead the prayer, but without the band.

Her rapper, atheist coach, J-Ax, warned her that he and the other bad-boy coach on stage, Piero Pelu, “will burst into flames.”


“Oh, come on!” she replied. Once a lapsed Catholic herself, Sister Cristina wasn’t intimidated and off she went, leading people in prayer on the finale of the highly popular TV show.

The sister won 62% of the popular vote, crushing her closest competitor — a very talented hard rock singer, who did a pretty decent “Stairway to Heaven.”


Here are the four songs she sang last night.

The first, “Beautiful That Way,” is from the movie “Life is Beautiful.” J-Ax chose the tune, she said, because “I came in smiling and he wants me to end (the TV series) smiling.”



She did a duet with her coach called “Gli Anni — The Years” as a retrospective tribute to the past season together:



The third part was to sing a never-before-performed song. J-Ax gave Sister Cristina a rousing Italian tune called “Lungo la Riva — Along the Shore,” which was about going on a journey and following a light that will “lead me to you,” to which Sister Cristina always pointed to heaven:



The finale was a reprisal of the song each competitor performed for their first blind audition.

That first video of Sister Cristina doing Alicia Keys’ “No one,” garnered worldwide attention, including from Keys, who praised the sister’s performance.

J-Ax said that video, which has more than 51 million views, should be proof of the sister’s talent because “to paraphrase Elvis, 50 million people can’t be wrong!”


And what does the Vatican have to say?

Last night, during the competition, the head of the Pontifical Council for Culture tweeted a quote from an ancient Roman statesman, who was a Christian writer and great supporter of monastic communities:


“If we continue to commit injustice, God will leave us without music.”


And his advice?

This morning the cardinal tweeted a saying from Rebbe Nachman of Bratslav:

“Even if you can’t sing well, sing. Sing to yourself. Sing in the privacy of your home. But sing!”



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30 Responses to Thy will be done…even on The Voice!

  1. Lorraine says:

    Congrats Sister Christina! You made us Italian Americans here is the US so proud!!!

  2. Anzalna sattaur says:

    God is good

  3. Reblogged this on Daily Goodness and commented:
    Ursuline Sister Cristina Scuccia’s landslide victory on The Voice of Italy last night wasn’t as big a surprise as much as what she did with her winner’s platform.

  4. Rose says:

    Praise The Lord Jesus, Congratulation Sr. Christina,

  5. Lekholokoe Leshota says:

    This is doing ministry in a totally new and innovative way. We thank God for such a wonderful gift to Sr Cristina. We need such innovativeness and openness to the Spirit to converse with the modern world.

  6. lizluyben says:

    Love her so much! She makes my spirit soar & helps me to appreciate my Church more. God Bless Sister. Christina & God Bless Italy

  7. Tony says:

    Congrats you are a voice fromGod

  8. saltos VALVERDE L.H. says:



  10. dorothy says:

    A very modern way to share he good news. Well done sister. Malta

  11. Linda says:

    What a model for young girls! No need to wear makeup or fancy makeovers to get attention. Suor Christina emanated an inner beauty that 50 million people sought to see and hear. Thank God for her!

  12. Reblogged this on Catholic in Asia and commented:
    Ursuline Sister Cristina’s success in The Voice breaks certainly breaks stereotypes, including:
    * nun = spinster (to borrow from Pope Francis’ message to some 800 women religious representing International Union of Superiors General (UISG) in May 2013)

  13. Matthew Chin says:

    Sister Cristina is GOD’S CONNECTION to the modern youth. Well done and GOD BLESS you. Hope to hear your religious songs.

  14. Agnes Kalai Lo says:

    We heartedly thank you sister Christina you’re angel from heaven leading people to God with you lovely voice and your kind sweet smile :-):-)
    God bless you
    Agnes Lo ( Catholic from Hong Kong )

  15. Maria says:

    I’m not Italian but we are sisters in Christ and I am so proud of you and thank God for His precious gift of singing in you and the way you have put it to use for all others by sharing His eternal Love by using contemporary music as worship. Thank you so much Sister Christina, Congratulations! Keep on singing and using the power of song and music as worship and evangelization worldwide. ❤ 🙂

  16. Well Done Sr. Cristina, let this be a divine inspiration for all

  17. Ermie Garcia says:

    Wow! Congratulatons Sister Cristina; Singing is a new way of evangelizing too. Praise God!!!

  18. Tony says:

    Dear Sister Cristina! Congratulations! You are an inspiration for the youth 🙂 and a perfect example of New evangelisation !

  19. Sr.Celine says:

    Congrats Sr.Cristina! You have proved your integrity!! May your life continue to be a song of and for God!!!

  20. Esther says:

    Esther .. She is a messenger from God ///
    the the Holy Spirit who lives in her to the young people .. so much need it this times God bless you sister Cristina !

  21. fpistorio says:

    Grazie Mille Suor Christina…Thanks Much…more you singing more Our Lord is with us…From Washington DC Pistorio family want say thanks to The Voice, your Coach, all crew with Raffaella Carrà sempre Bellissima…to give us joy and happiness of the The Voice Of Italy….Grazie Mille…

  22. Mary Cano says:

    What a JOYFUL, TALENTED SOUL!…I loved your voice,….. I loved your PRAYER! AMEN. Congratulations dearest Cristina! Thank you!

  23. Lethiwe Mazibuko says:

    Praise the Lord Sr Christina! You are a real inspiration.

  24. Conratulatons Suor Christina, you are the ambassador of music from the Holy Spirit, a total inspiration to all music lover of all ages with your powerful voice. Hope to hear from you more often. God bless you Sister Christina.

  25. Rosemary says:

    Congratulations Suor Christina, you are the ambassador of music form the Holy Spirit ,a total inspiration to all music lover of ages with your powerful voice.

  26. John saengharn says:

    Wow the new way to sing the gospel in this time

  27. yaya says:

    “Spirit” of Vatican II.

  28. Victor says:


  29. Dalia Vecchio says:

    Sr Cristina, you are awesome! Keep on singing with all your heart, soul n mind.

  30. David says:

    Sadly, she was given a wretched new song with which to launch her career. Because of its dismal performance on iTunes (Termed a flop by the Italian media), she is already wounded. What made it even worse was that J-AX had the gall to call the song an “Instant Hit” just before she sang it. As soon as I heard it, I knew it was a dud. No one could have got that song to No 1.

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