It’s all part of the (priest’s) job

By Sharyn McCowen

So what DO priests do every week?

The vocation center for the Archdiocese of Sydney has produced a short video, “A Week in the Life of a Priest.” It features Father Michael de Stoop, diocesan vocations director and priest at St. Benedict’s, an inner-city parish.

The 10-minute video follows Father de Stoop as he administers the sacraments, visits schools and youth gatherings, spends time in prayer and formation, relaxes with family and friends, and even takes to the field for his weekly game of rugby with the Crusaders.

The video is also being shown in schools across Sydney.

Teacher Jessica Nohra, 22, described the reaction of her students after she showed them the DVD.

“When they saw Father playing footy (Australian football), they were amazed and kept asking, ‘Miss, is that still the priest’?”

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4 Responses to It’s all part of the (priest’s) job

  1. Marvelous indeed! I praise God for all the wonderful men out there like this priest who do such a great job in their parishes. Ye are in my prayers. God bless.

  2. Rev. Val Zdilla says:

    very true.

  3. Sr. M. Celeste Lawler, osm says:

    Super!!!!! May God send us many holy priests, fervent religious and faithful laity to His Church. I praise and thank God for the many holy priests that I have known and know.God bless all.

  4. Angela says:

    What s wonderful video. Very relevant. Enlightening! Thank you!

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