‘Word cloud’ for the pope’s new encyclical

OK, I’ll admit I’m not a big fan of “word clouds,” those graphical representations of how often a particular word appears in a document. But this one works. CNS graphics artist Emily Thompson created it using the words that appear in Pope Benedict XVI’s new encyclical, “Caritas in Veritate” (“Charity in Truth”). The words “human” and “development” jump right out at you. And that’s what this encyclical is all about.

(CNS graphic/Emily Thompson)

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12 Responses to ‘Word cloud’ for the pope’s new encyclical

  1. BarbaraKB says:

    Thanx, Emily… I *love* word clouds!

  2. Jon Hansen says:

    That would make a great poster. It could be hung in board rooms across North America.

  3. Michelle says:

    I’ve read it (though twice is nowise enough) and found this cloud a helpful meditation and point of focus!! Wonderful!

  4. Forrester McLeod says:

    I never really think about word clouds…but there is something lovely about the Pope’s words floating around in one…

  5. Michigander says:

    Actually, I thought the “cloud” when read on-line would highlight the ONE WORD that stood out, and was repeated the most in, that paragraph! The would be more helpful to readers, to get the Most Important Point if that Paragraph. SORRY, a messy Collage of Words, is not impressive; nor orderly. I don’t “notions” that are confusing, to the Average Joe or Average Josephine!

    So, no I don’t like your “cloud.” Most people surfing the Internet, like concise information, that gets to the point! How else are the “Unchurched” going to be attracted to the Catholic Church, if we keep complicating it out of Spiritual Intellectual Puffed Up Pride, and “ONE UPMANSHIP?”

  6. Corey says:

    absolutely pointless. this has zero value.

  7. Patrick Cullinan says:

    “God” looks pretty small to me. And “human” is portentously big. But “development” beats all, doesn’t it.

  8. Mike Davis says:

    Silly. Pointless. Too 1970’s infused gobbledy-gook. Get serious about the Gospel and the work of the Church here on earth, CNS.

  9. John M says:

    Very interesting. As a non-catholic and a creative this caught my attention enough to go and read the speech myself.

    I disagree that clouds are dated or pointless. WordPress.com uses a tag cloud on their front page. Most talked about topics show up largest, less popular topics show up smaller. Simple, interesting, and a great use of technology.

    Great work, Emily!

  10. Yvonne says:

    Isn’t the focus suppose to be on GOD? Wonder why HIS name is so small.

  11. Dan says:

    God is inside and smaller than the letter “O’ of HUMAN DEVELOPMENT. Does ‘O’ stand for Obama. LOL This would make a nice poster for a college dorm room.

  12. Jason says:

    The one world religion is forming.
    Catholicism will be the catalyst for socialism and this “religion”.

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